
Showing posts from December, 2020

How Legal Chatbots Can Increase The Profit - Spencer Kinney

  Chatbots are appearing in almost every work field and the law industry is no such exception. Legal chatbots are a great way to optimize work processes to save lawyers time and money.  A chatbot doesn’t need vacations, week-offs or rest after a day’s work. It just works for your business every second after it is created and implemented. A legal chatbot works 24/7 to provide legal aid to the customers whenever they need it. Also, it is more agile and beneficial than a human lawyer consultation. Now, a common myth is that the lawyers think they will be replaced by legal chatbots. However, that is not the case, rather they are only little helpers that will simplify the work of the lawyers and free the lawyers time to focus on more important and complex tasks. Additionally, the human lawyers can work on a consultation capacity and also check up on the work of the chatbots at times. Read more:-  Legal Ways To Make Money With Bots Read more Articles:- 3 Reasons To Have A Chatbot Rather Than